Re: Ailing HP340 system - thanks

Leon Martin (
Fri, 14 Feb 1997 10:39:07 +1000


>Thanks to all those who replied to my question about losing files
>and directories on our old HP340 workstation.
>Apparently this is a common problem caused when people try to
>rename files and directories and leave names blank.
>If it happens to you, unfortunately there is no other solution but to
>re-initialise the hard disk and reinstall all software....your local BD rep,
>like mine, will probably be only to pleased to help with advice on doing this.

I've had this problem before also. However we DID get all our files back. I
haven't done this for a while and my memory is a bit average but I think we
found the following:

In the case of a `blank' named directory I couldn't use or delete it but
was able to rename it. I just give it a name like DEAD and leave it till
the next disk re-format!

Our experience, when you have a dir of files with a blank named file in the
middle, was that we couldn't see any files past the blank one with the BD
file utilities. However, if we exit the BD software and use the HP system
FILER program, we could see the files and then copy them elsewhere.
After that I used the FILER to delete all the files from that dir.

If you want any more details I'll have a play on one of our HP's, to
refresh my memory, and get back to you.


| | Dr. C. Leon Martin,
/ | _ Dept. of Pathology & Immunology,
| |-------> ( ) Monash University Medical School,
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