problem in sending e-mail

Antony Bakke (
Thu, 05 Jun 1997 09:08:26 -0700

In reply to a problem that Bob Ashcroft mentioned about getting e-mail returned
when it seems to have a correct address and with the hope that this may help
Tony Bakke

I noted your problem in replying to Robert Pyle and thought I would mention a
trick that I learned recently hoping that it may apply to your problem. When
you use the automatic reply function in many e-mail programs it gives you an
address like:

SMTPNLM("") --- for you from my system (Novell)
or ---- the address you had for Robert

I was told that the leading SMTPNLM or SMTP restricts how the message is sent
and the system only tries one "door" when sending. I'm not an expert and have
no idea exactly what a "door" is, but I'm told if that one door is closed,
nothing else is tried and the message comes back or, worse yet, you never learn
that it was not sent, in my system.

Instead of using the standard reply format for the address, change it to:

Supposedly, this format with the leading "internet:" allows the system to try
many "doors" until the message is sent.

Hope this helps,
Tony Bakke

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