Re: HP 340 Networks

Neal Benson (
Thu, 27 Mar 1997 09:37:08 -0500

I'm using a 10-base-T to Coax ethernet media converter made by "Transition
Networks". The specs say you can connect up to 24 coax devices to one
twisted pair connection. (My layout currently is just one HP340.) I have
not had any problems in two years of operation with it. Price is $129 from
Data Comm Warehouse, 1-800-328-2261.

Tranceivers are cheaper, but to use one you need what's called an AUI
connector at the computer. The BD version of the HP340 doesn't have one.


At 11:33 AM 3/26/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Hello fellow flowers
>I would like to place an HP 340 (PASCAL) computer, (this is the BD computer
>that runs LYSYS II software), on a network (NOVELL 4.1), however, my
>network has only 10-Base-T connectors and the HP 340 has only a coax
>(ethernet) connector. Does anyone know of a caox to 10-Base-T transceiver
>that works for this application??? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
>R. Bray
>Emory University
>Atlanta, GA. 30322
>(404) 712-7317

Neal Benson
University of Florida

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