Data recovery from corrupt Bernoulli disks, list of sources.

Charles Kuszynski (CKUSZYNS@MAIL.UNMC.EDU)
Tue, 01 Jul 1997 12:48:04 -0500

Here is a list of the potential persons who could be contacted to assist in
data recovery. these were submitted to me via the flownet and I am
passing the combined list on to you all.

I only have experience with Richard Cox, who is currently providing his
services to me for data recovery. I was not impressed by IOMEGA as I
had extreme difficulty in contacting them and then they were only able to
send me a form to fill out and send in for service.

Here is the list:
Richard Allen Cox
408-735-5061 work
Web page at
email me during the day at

Joseph Webster at

Iomega service:
email info@support.iomega,com (subject:Help)

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