Re: Fluo-3 analysis

Matthias Haury (
Mon, 12 May 1997 11:36:59 +0200


I use a software called Igor Pro (WaveMetrics, OR) for Calcium Analysis.
First I use WinMDI to export the mean values etc in text format, and then I
can easily load them into any graphic program (Excel, Cricket, Sigmaplot or
Igor or ...), and display them as I need (overlays, smoothings, calculate
slopes, fittings etc).

I prefer Igor as you have a load of mathematical functions build in, you
can write macros to automate the analysis and do smoothings, calculate
ratios etc.
but just to display, other programs should work fine as well.

Here is Igor Pro's adress (this is in my opinion the best graphical program
on the market (always on the Mac, but coming to Win97/NT soon).:

WaveMetrics, Inc.
Phone (503) 620-3001
Fax (503) 620-6754

If you know about other Macsolutions please let me know...

Thanks, Matthias

Matthias Haury Flowcytometry Dept Immunology Institut Pasteur Tel: 33 (01) 40 61 31 29 Fax: 33 (01) 45 68 86 39

At 13:01 +0000 9/05/97, Kirk Watkins wrote:
>Hello to the list,
>What software are you using to analyze the calcium reaction??

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