Re: Cell Culture after DNA Ploidy Staining

Gerhard Nebe-von-Caron (
17 Jul 1997 16:33:06 +0100

Depending on how rough an estimation you can get away with,
you could try dihydroethidium (or Hydroethidine as it was
originally called) or LDS751. They do stain live cells but
will not give you the profiles you get with the A-T specific
dyes. I am not sure whether the new syto stains from
Molecular Probes offer any higher DNA specificity. You could
also try to contact Terry Hoy at Cardiff if you could get
some of their 'magic red' to try out.


______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Cell Culture after DNA Ploidy Staining
Author: at INTERNET
Date: 16/07/97 21:01

I would like to ask if anyone has a method for estimating DNA Ploidy using
488nm or 633nm Laser so that the cells are alive and sortable before
culturing.If you use Hoechst and UV the above can be done,I am told.My
problem is no UV capabilities hence I am looking for some other way.
Hope someone out there can help me.
Thank you,Leonie

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