Plasma Cells

ctnebe (
Sun, 23 Mar 97 17:10 +0100

Mary Alice asked about plasma cells...

We use CD45, CD38, CD56 and BB4 after intensive exprerience from Heinz Diem
and Susanne Poley at the Klinikum Grosshadern (Munich, Germany), who have
investigated many many plasmocytomas. In our limited experince
Plasmocytoma cells are CD45-, CD38+, CD56+, BB4+, CD19-/+
Immunocytoma cells are CD45(+), CD38+, CD19(+)/-, CD56-, BB4-
Normal plasma cells are CD45+, BB4+, CD38+, CD19(+), CD56-
Immunocytoma cells are variable in their phenotype.
Unfortunately this experienced group is not on the server list and has no
internet access. As I answer from home I am not able to quote their
Their adress is:
Institute for Clinical Chemistry
Klinikum Grosshadern
Marchioninistrasse 15
D-81366 Muenchen, GERMANY
FAX +49 89 7095-8888

Thomas Nebe
Klinikum Mannheim

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