Re: Calcium flux markers

Darren Hickerson (
Thu, 16 Jan 1997 10:37:03 -0500

3rd color calcium indicator: try Fura Red from molecular probes
(in conjunction with fluo3 for ratiometric analysis). Life is not
worth living until you have read Novak and Rabinovitch,
Cytometry 17:135-141 (1994).

>>> Surgical Labs Resident <>
01/15/97 11:36am >>>

Dear Flow-ers,
Does anyone know of a good 3rd colour marker for detection
of calcium flux on lymphocytes, without having any leakage into
Fl1 and Fl2? Right now we are using a marker called fluo3 and it
really bleeds into the other colours. We are using a single laser
Also, for people sorting on the FACScalibur, is there any way
to increase my cell recovory? Right now it is at 10%. Is it more
efficient to use a cell culture insert than a filter memrane( where
I think some of the cell loss is occuring).
Thanks in advance.

Raffi Manoukian
Royal Victoria Hospital
Montreal,Quebec, Canada

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