Re: Cy3

Neal Benson (
Wed, 2 Jul 1997 17:48:31 -0400

At 04:24 PM 7/2/97 +1200, Jan Nelson wrote:
>We have someone who wants to use a monoclonal antibody conjugated to Cy3.
>They have been told you can't use a FACScan as Cy3 won't excite at 488nm.
>Any suggestions which instruments can be used.


We're doing this for one of our users. Cy3 can be measured using the FL2
detector. It wouldn't be my first choice (or my 2nd or 3rd or...) of a
conjugate to excite at 488 but it seems to work. Perhaps that's just
because their antigen is highly expressed, but I have no data with another
fluorochrome to compare.

This web page has spectra for CY3:

Good luck,
Neal Benson

Neal Benson
University of Florida

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