Re: Cy3
Thu, 03 Jul 1997 13:45:24 +1000


> We have someone who wants to use a monoclonal antibody conjugated to Cy3.
> They have been told you can't use a FACScan as Cy3 won't excite at 488nm.
> Any suggestions which instruments can be used.

You can indeed use Cy3 on a FACScan. We have looked at a dozen or
more in-house conjugates. While Cy3 would *prefer* to be excited at
around 550nm, or even at 515nm, you can still get enough signal using
488nm if the antibody is suitable. Expect up to one decade less signal
than for a comparable PE conjugate.

\ / < The Flow Systems Laboratory
Frank Battye, \__/ <<<<< The Walter & Eliza Hall Institute
Dora Kaminaris,----------!!<<<<<<<< Victoria 3050, AUSTRALIA
Viki Lapatis and /!!\ <<<<< ph: 61_3_9345 2540 fax: 61_3_9347 0852
Jennie Parker o !! \ < in:: ""

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