Purdue Cytometry CD-ROM Volume 3
Clinical Evaluation

The following 2 presentations relate to specific applications of flow cytometry in clinical medicine. One is taken from a presentation at the 1996 Charleston Clinical meeting. This is a powerpoint presentation and the original powerpoint slides can be downloaded opened and modified. The other is an interesting web page on PNH which we thought some of you may find useful.

  1. Automated Reticulocyte Analysis  B. H. Davis

  2. Flow Cytometric Diagnosis of Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria  J. C. Pui et al.

Note: These data have been provided by colleagues worldwide. Appropriate acknowledgement should be made when material is used.

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CD-ROM Vol 3 was produced by Monica M. Shively and other staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone:(765) 494-0757; FAX (765) 494-0517; Web http://www.cyto.purdue.edu, EMAIL cdrom3@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu