ISAC Specialty Training & Education Program

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Department of Immunology
San Martino Hospital
University of Genova
Viale Benedeto XV, 10
16132 Genova, ITALIA

Laboratory Profile

Director: F. Celada, M.D.Cytometry group:Annalisa Kunkl, Ph.D.

Maria Teresa Valle, Ph.D.

Daniela Fenoglio, Ph.D.

1.Facilities available: 500 m 2 facility containing cell culture facilities, biological safety P2 room, computer facility, radioisotopes, molecular biology.

2. Instrumentation:

Flow cytometry: Becton Dickinson FACSCan with argon ion laser.

Other major items: Fluorescence microscope.

Computer and Analytical: Flow cytometry data analysis systems are Hewlett-Packard, software is Lysis II (B.D.). Non-cytometry software expertise in graphics programs such as IBM PC-based Sigma Plot and Harvard Graphics and Maclntosh-based Cricket Graph M acDraw.

3. Specialization areas: Immunophenotyping in HIV seropositive patients or patients suffering other pathologies. Coordination of Regional Quality Controls (CQ) in HIV Immunophenotyping. Production of CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell clones as standard in CQ. Stud ies on cell fixation. Studies on CD4-gp l2O binding and CD4 masking. CD4+ lymphocyte evaluation by ELISA assay. Experience in immunophenotyping of lymphocyte populations from bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL ), pleural fluid (PF) and peritoneal effluents (PE ) from patients on Peritoneal Dialysis.

4. Training Opportunities: Preparation, fine specificity and vb repertoire studies (PCR). Evaluation of cytokine production (PCR) and immunophenotyping in human T-cell lines and clones. Phenotypic characterization and functional assessment of lymphocyt es from BAL, PF and PE.

5. Special courses offered: FACS instrument use. Immunophenotyping. Statistical analysis.

6. Graduate Program: Theoretical and practical courses for graduate and undergraduate students.

7.Local Accomodations: No guesthouses available. Hotel accomodations (15-30 min by bus):

- single room: (***): 100,000-140,000 Lit (52.5-73.5 Ecu); (****): 140,000-210,000 Lit (73.5-110 Ecu) - double room: (***): 180,000-230,000 Lit (94.5-120 Ecu); (****): 250,000-330,000 Lit (131-173 Ecu)

8. Transportation: International airport in Genoa (Cristoforo Colombo): daily flights from London, Paris, Zurich, Barcelona, etc.). Shuttle service every hour (4,000 Lit). Milano is 120 km north of Genoa, and Pisa is 150 kn south of Genoa.

9. Cost of Internships: One-week training for two visitors on first week every month (October-May), The cost will be fixed later.


A. Kunkl
M.T. Valle
Department of Immunology
San Martino Hospital / University of Genova
Viale Benedeto XV, 10
16132 Genova, ITALIA

Phone: (010) 354008
FAX: 01 357582

International Society for Analytical Cytology
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CD-ROM Vol 3 was produced by Monica M. Shively and other staff at the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and distributed free of charge as an educational service to the cytometry community. If you have any comments please direct them to Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Professor & Director, PUCL, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Phone:(765) 494-0757; FAX (765) 494-0517; Web, EMAIL