Above is the masthead of our popular FREE quarterly newsletter, "Painless Particles". Below are the Tables of Contents for several past issues. If you like what you see, ask to be put on the mailing list. (Subscription link below)

June, 1997 Issue Contents (+ more detail as to content)

Hurry! Bio.Dot Workshops..(June 11-13; next time in September at Lehigh University and Amsterdam)
The Latex Course- October..(October 1-3 in San Francisco; October 6-8 in London)
July 21-24- AACC in Atlanta!..(Booth in OEM section, lecture and workshop)
June Theme: Double Meanings..(EDI=electronic data interchange or Emerald Diagnostics, Inc.)
Lets's Peek in the Lab..(IR- Emitting beads, FRET beads, CEC beads, Surface dyed beads, Flow cytometric beads, and chloromethyl-activated beads.)
What's up (on the web) Doc?..(Plans to put the TechNotes on the Web)
Cool Beads from Spring Meetings..(Luminex, FETL from BioSite)
Ask The Particle Doctor™..("To clean or not to clean"- That is the question.)
New Stuff Related to Microspheres..(Purdue University Cytometry Labs. Invisible immunoassays)
Shipping Savings..(DHL & Airborne vs. UPS & Federal Express)
Mail Bonding (Do the "write" thing)..(notes from customers)
Tech Refs..(we offer our free literature; with some changes each issue)

March, 1997 Issue

Nickel NTA Beads..(Plans to make these microspheres- but which kinds?)
CLAS Act: BLI in Chicago..(Clinical Ligand Assay Society, 3/24-26)
Bio.Dot Workshop..(Cambridge, UK; April 7-9)
AACC- Atlanta: July 21-24..(Booth in OEM section, 10th annual workshop)
New address, Phone & Fax..(Please note our new address & phones on November 1, 1996)
E-mail Lost for January 9-15..(Our ISP lost our e-mail for about a week)
The Latex Course- Fall 1997..(October 1-3 in San Francisco; October 6-8 in London)
March Theme: Anniversaries..(1947: ULP's born; 1957: LAT's born; 1972: LBB immersed)
BLI Mission Statement..("Our mission is to lead our industry by providing customers...")
Luminex Flow Metrix System..(New assay system linked to allow cytometer uses microspheres)
Mean Diameter, Std. Dev, & C.Vs..(Discussion of methods of measurement)
Ask The Particle Doctor™..(Microspheres and organic solvents)
P(articles)2 = Particles Articles..(DNA absorption to Silica)
Mail Bonding & Tech. Refs.

December, 1996 Issue

We're Technology Driven!..(new stuff about our company)
9025 Technology Drive..(how to find our new building in Indy area)
Zero Down Time!..(we didn't miss any shipping days during our move)
Indiana Growth 100 Award..(IU B. school award for top 100 small cos.)
ProActive®..(introducing our new protein coater)
New Hires..(other new personnel and moves)
December Theme: Fluorescence..(highlighting our dyed beads)
Asian Tour 1997: Strip Tests..(our Jan., '97 trip to Taipei and Tokyo)
Ask The Particle Doctor™..(3 dif. fluorescent microsphere questions)
Freezin' Season Shipping Rules..(shipping to avoid freezing the beads)
The Latex Course: Fall, 1997..(Sept/Oct., in London & San Francisco)
Mail Bonding & Tech. Refs.

September, 1996 Issue

Big News for Bangs Labs:
Indiana Growth 100..(IU chose us as one of 100 fastest growing, high potential companies)
Moving to New Building..(we are buying a building and moving to a new location)
Wanted: Conjugation Scientist..(hiring chemist for coupling protein to ProActive beads)
Missed April Course? Buy the Book!..(a few copies remain of latest Latex Course book)
Magnetic Personality?..(encapsulated magnetics are better, Rostock meeting, new instrument)
P(articles)2 = Particles Articles..(more immunochromatographic strip test patents)
Ask The Particle Doctor™..(Q's on rev. passive latex agglutination & non-specific binding)
Mail Bonding & Tech. Refs.

June, 1996 Issue

Oak Ridge Conf...(Mosbach molecular imprinted polymers; Syva's LOCI; Organon's RASMA)
AACC Meeting
..(preview of BLI's participation at July 28-32 Chicago meeting)
ICCC Meeting
..(visit our booth at this July 8-12 clinical chemistry meeting in London)
Missed the Course? Buy the Book!
.. (order The Latex Course book)
P(articles)2 = Particles Articles
.. (strip test patents; book review:Proteins at Interfaces II)
Ask The Particle Doctor (TM)
.. (coupling polypeptides, clumped SiO2, dual protein coatings)
Tips from "DEEP COAT"
.. (nanospheres, hydrophobic protein coating of big beads)
Have you been Yellow-Carded?
.. (to avoid being dropped from our mailing list)
Mail Bonding & Tech. Refs.

March, 1996 Issue

Get off the Gold Standard.. (why dyed beads are better than colloidal Au for strip tests)
Microspheres and Genomes.. (Whitehead Inst.+ our mag. beads in Human Genome Project)
ProActive® Microspheres TechNote.. (our new protein-coated beads)
Latex Course: Princeton & Paris.. (reasons for attending"The Latex Course" in April)
P(articles)2 = Particles Articles.. (reviews of interesting, pertinent literature)
Welcome, Bulgaria!.. (recent publicity attracted many new subscribers from all over the world)
Roche Virion Visualization Idea.. (dyed microspheres improve HIV-1 pellet visibility)
Ask The Particle Doctor:..(about surface charge density, storage, handling, and cleaning beads)

December, 1995 Issue

Microsphere Mysteries (a little quiz)
April in Paris and Princeton?.. (about "The Latex Course")
ProActive Microspheres Take off!.. (our new protein-coated beads)
P(articles)2 = Particles Articles.. (reviews of interesting, pertinent literature)
Barcelona, November 2-4, 1995 .. (6th Int'l Cong. Automat'n. & New Tech. in Clin. Lab.)
Beware: Freezin' Season!.. (avoiding shipping dangers)
BLI (We're growing!) .. (meet our new personnel)
New Ideas for Microspheres .. (100µm beads Immunossays+ Colorimetric Agglutination )
"Happy Holidays" Greetings .. (I think you get the idea.)
Cell Biology Show: DC in Dec. .. (invitation to meet us)
Ask The Particle Doctor: .. (answer to question: "Covalent Coupling:1 Step or 2?")
Tips from "DEEP COAT"..(Drying Microspheres &Binding to Protein A Beads )
Indoor Frost Warning.. (storage conditions)

September, 1995 Issue

New Microsphere Selection Guide .. (reformatted)
Protein-Activated Microspheres .. (first public announcement)
Microsphere World .. (announcing Barcelona meeting & our introductory talk)
Trans-Atlantic Latex Course?.. (first announcement of dual sites for next course)
AACC Anaheim, July.. (report from the clinical chemistry show)
ASCB, Washington, December.. (invite to show and our tutorial)
New Ideas for Microspheres .. (mag. beads & mRNA, mag rack, & 3 tests on 1 bead ?)
P(articles)2 = Particles Articles.. (LOCI: Lumines O2 ChannelingImm'assay + US patent)
E-Mail and Web Home Page.. (our addresses on "The Net" and "The Web")
Ask The Particle Doctor: .. (two questions on Keeping Microspheres Suspended-)
Tips from "DEEP COAT" .. (Better Light-Scat. Polymer, Measuring Bound Protein )

June, 1995 Issue

Neat New Microspheres Ideas.. (Oak Ridge Conf.: Roche Diag., Sienna Biotech, and BTG)
AFM Image 0.2µm Microspheres.. (interesting atomic force microscopy of our beads)
New E-Mail Address.. (Ta Da!: announcing our new net and web addresses)
The Latex Course and Book.. (offer for copies of book from our previous latex course)
AACC Annual Meeting- July.. (announcing booth + plans for meeting in Anaheiim)
Top Ten Summer Reminders.. (more about AACC Show)
NOT "Just a manufacturer"!..(answer to: "I heard that you guys are just a distributor".)
Peek into the Research Lab!.. (streptav.-coated, non-stick, and high-temp poly. beads)
P(articles)2 = Particles Articles.. (large, Ab-frag.-coated beads grab bacteria from milk, etc.)
Ask The Particle Doctor:.. (The Overcoat for Sweater Swap [the ParDoc gets wacky.])
Tips from "DEEP COAT".. (Popular Coupling Method +Polymer (beads) vs. Gold)

Subscribe to "Painless Particles" ? (And ask for back issues)

Last Update June 11, 1997

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