J. Paul Robinson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Basic Medical Sciences
1. Robinson, J.Paul, R. Boughton, and R. Penny: Chemotaxis and chemiluminescence in paraproteinaemia. Proc. 9th Aust. Soc. Immunol., Sydney, Australia, 1979.
2. Robinson, J.Paul, and R. Penny: Neutrophil and monocyte chemiluminescence in paraproteinaemia. Proc. 2nd International Cong. Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence, San Diego, CA (USA), 1980.
3. Breit, S.N., J.Paul Robinson, and R. Penny: The effect of alpha 1 antitrypsin on the chemiluminescence response of neutrophils and monocytes. Proc. 10th Aust. Soc. Immunol., Brisbane, Australia, 1980.
4. Robinson, J.Paul, D. Wakefield, and R. Penny: Development of an analytical system for chemiluminescence. Proc. 11th Aust. Soc. Immunol., Canberra, Australia, 1981.
5. Breit, S.N., D. Wakefield, J.Paul Robinson, and R. Penny: Immunological abnormalities in anterior uveitis. Proc. Int. Symp. of Immunology and Immunopathology of the Eye, Seattle, WA (USA), 1982.
6. Wakefield, D., E. Luckhurst, J.Paul Robinson, and R. Penny: Immunological abnormalities in anterior uveitis. Proc. Int. Symp. of Immunology and Immunopathology of the Eye, Seattle, WA (USA), 1982.
7. Wakefield, D., J. Easter, J.Paul Robinson, G. Chapman, D. Graham, and R. Penny: Chlamydiae antibody cross reactivity with HLA B27 lymphocytes. Proc. 12th Aust. Soc. Immunol., Adelaide, Australia, 1982.
8. Robinson, J.Paul, D. Wakefield, J. Easter, and R. Penny: Polymorphonuclear cell chemiluminescence to common pathogens. Proc. 12th Aust. Soc. Immunol., Adelaide, Australia, 1982.
9. Robinson, J.Paul, and R. Penny: Immunological features of HLA B27+ anterior uveitis (AU). Royal Aust. College of Opthalmol., Melbourne, Australia, 1982.
10. Wakefield, D., J.Paul Robinson, and R. Penny: Decreased phagocytosis of gram negative bacteria in HLA B27+ uveitis. Proc. 12th Aust. Soc. Immunol., Adelaide, Australia, 1982.
11. Robinson, J.Paul, D. Wakefield, D. Graham, and R. Penny: Chemiluminescent response to Chlamydia trachomatis. Proc. 12th Aust. Soc. Immunol., Adelaide, Australia, 1982.
12. Breit, S.N., E. Luckhurst, J.Paul Robinson, and R. Penny: Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency and the immune response. FASEB, 1983.
13. Wakefield, D.W., J.Paul Robinson, S.N. Breit, and R. Penny: Decreased monocyte chemiluminescence to gram negative bacteria in HLA B27 related disease. Fed. Proc. Vol. 42, Abstract No. 5489. Chicago, IL (USA), 1983.
14. Penny, R., J.Paul Robinson, D. Wakefield, D. Graham, and S.N. Breit: Chlamydia trachomatis: The chemiluminescence response of normal human phagocytes. Fed. Proc. Vol. 42, Abstract No. 2366. Chicago, IL (USA), 1983.
15. Breit, S.N., E. Luckhurst, D. Wakefield, J.Paul Robinson, and R. Penny: Modulation of human monocyte function by alpha-1-antitrypsin. Fed. Proc. Vol. 42, Abstract No. 3896. Chicago, IL (USA), 1983.
16. Robinson, J.Paul, D. Wakefield, S.N. Breit, J. Easter, and R. Penny: The chemiluminescent response of normal polymorphs to common human pathogens. Fed. Proc. Vol. 42, Abstract No. 2368. Chicago, IL (USA), 1983.
17. Robinson, J.Paul, D. Wakefield, D. Graham, S.N. Breit, J. Easter, and R. Penny: Neutrophil and monocyte phagocytic responses to Chlamydia trachomatis. Proc. 5th International Congress of Immunology, Kyoto, Japan, 1983.
18. Wakefield, D., J. Easter, J.Paul Robinson, G. Chapman, D. Graham, and R. Penny: Cross reactivity of chlamydial antibodies with HLA B27 mononuclear cells. Proc. 5th International Congress of Immunology, Kyoto, Japan, 1983.
19. Kellerher, T., J.Paul Robinson, and R. Penny: Toxic oxygen species participation in natural killer cell cytotoxic activity. Proc. 13th Aust. Soc. Immunol., Melbourne, Australia, 1983.
20. Robinson, J.Paul, D. Wakefield, J. Easter, and R. Penny: Chemiluminescent response profiles of human mononuclear phagocytes activated by pathogenic organisms. Fed. Proc. Abstract No. 21514. St. Louis, MO (USA), 1984.
21. Wakefield, D., H. Jelinek, J.Paul Robinson, and R. Penny: Retinal vasculitis associated with HLA DR4. Fed. Proc. Abstract No. 21453. St. Louis, MO (USA), 1984.
22. Robinson, J.Paul, G. Chapman, K. McGinnes, K. Bradstock, and R. Penny: Flow cytometric analysis of a functional receptor on neutrophils capable of blocking activation and oxidative function. X International Meeting of the Society for Analytical Cytology, Asilomar, CA (USA), 1984.
23. Wakefield, D., J. Paul Robinson, J. Easter, and R. Penny: Decreased monocyte chemiluminescence to Chlamydia trachomatis in HLA B27 anterior uveitis. 16th Annual Meeting of Australian Society for Experimental Pathology, Canberra, Australia, August 1984.
24. Duque, R.E., J.Paul Robinson, J.L. Hudson, G.O. Till, and P.A. Ward: Metabolic differences between circulating and elicited rat neutrophils established by flow cytometry. Presented at the FASEB meeting, Anaheim, CA (USA), 21-26 April 1985.
25. Hudson, J.L., J.G. Greenwood, L.A. Armstrong, W.A. Marasco, J. Hiserodt, J.Paul Robinson, R.E. Duque, and P.A. Ward: Flow cytometry in immunotoxicology. 99th Annual Meeting of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington, DC (USA), 29-29 October 1985.
26. Robinson, J.Paul, R.E. Duque, J.L. Hudson, and P.A. Ward: Measurement of anti-neutrophil antibodies by flow cytometry: Simultaneous detection of antibodies against monocytes and lymphocytes. XI International Meeting of the Society for Analytical Cytology, Hilton Head, SC (USA), 17-22 November 1985.
27. Robinson, J.Paul, R.E. Duque, J.L. Hudson, and P.A. Ward: Detection of anti-platelet antibodies in serum by flow cytometry. XI International Meeting of the Society for Analytical Cytology, Hilton Head, SC (USA), 17-22 November 1985.
28. Duque, R.E., S. Kelley, J.Paul Robinson, and J.L. Hudson: Kinetic analysis of the oxidative burst in human granulocytes. XI International Meeting of the Society for Analytical Cytology, Hilton Head, SC (USA), 17-22 November 1985.
29. Robinson, J.Paul, C. Comment, M.C. Reidy, J. Schlegelmilch, R. Duque, and J.L. Hudson: Flow cytometric evaluation of serum autoantibodies: Antineutrophil & antiplatelet. Coulter Users' Meeting, New Orleans, LA (USA), November 1985.
30. Robinson, J.Paul, S.H. Phan, and J.C. Fantone: Neutrophil membrane fluidity alteration with activation. FASEB Meeting, St. Louis, MO (USA), April 1986.
31. Robinson, J.Paul, L.H. Bruner, P.A. Ward, and S.H. Phan: Measurement of intracellular fluorescence of human monocytes indicative of oxidative metabolism. Sixth International Congress of Immunology, Toronto, Canada, 6-11 July 1986.
32. Robinson, J.Paul, L.H. Bruner, C.-F. Bassoe, R.E. Duque, J. Greenwood, J.L. Hudson, and P.A. Ward: Leukocyte function assessment using flow cytometry. Applications in Clinical Cytometry, Charleston, SC (USA), 29 September-3 October 1986.
33. Bruner, L.H., C.-F. Bassoe, C. Pierson, J.Paul Robinson, J.L. Hudson, and P.A. Ward: Measurement of fluorescence from dichlorofluorescin diacetate-loaded bacteria after phagocytosis by human neutrophils. Coulter Users' Meeting, San Francisco, CA (USA), December 1986.
34. Hudson, J.L., L.A. Armstrong, J.H. Greenwood, D. Brede, G. Kleedtke, J. Gaglio, L.H. Bruner, J.Paul Robinson, J.P. McCoy, and P.A. Ward: Flow cytometric clinical immune status profile. Coulter Users' Meeting, San Francisco, CA (USA), December 1986.
35. Robinson, J.Paul, L.H. Bruner, C.-F. Bassoe, R.E. Duque, J. Greenwood, J.L. Hudson, and P.A. Ward: Leukocyte function assessment using flow cytometry. Coulter Users' Meeting, San Francisco, CA (USA), 3-6 December 1986.
36. Bruner, L.H., J.Paul Robinson, J.L. Hudson, and P.A. Ward: Oxidant production from neutrophils using flow cytometry, scopoletin oxidation and cytochrome C reduction. FASEB, Washington, DC (USA), March 1987.
37. Hudson, J.L., L.A. Armstrong, J.H. Greenwood, D. Brede, G. Kleedtke, J. Gaglio, L.H. Bruner, J. Paul Robinson, S. Kelley,and P.A. Ward: Flow cytometric immunochemical and functional immune cell assays. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Fargo, ND (USA), 15-17 June 1987.
38. Bruner, L.H., J.Paul Robinson, J.L. Hudson, and P.A. Ward: Characterization of H2O2 production from rat blood neutrophils using DCFH-DA oxidation. XII International Meeting of the Society for Analytical Cytology, Cambridge, England, 9-15 August 1987. Cytometry Suppl. 1:76, 1987.
39. Robinson, J. Paul, C. Comment, L.H. Bruner, J.L. Hudson, P.A. Ward, and S.H. Phan: Neutrophil membrane fluidity changes can be correlated with oxidant production: Simultaneous flow cytometric determinations. XII International Meeting of the Society for Analytical Cytology, Cambridge, England, 9-15 August 1987. Cytometry Suppl. 1:76, 1987.
40. Hudson,J.L., J. Greenwood, S. Kelley, D. Brede, G. Kleedtke, J. Gaglio, L. Bruner, J.Paul Robinson, and P.A. Ward: Cytometric clinical immune status profile. XII International Meeting of the Society for Analytical Cytology, Cambridge, England, 9-15 August 1987. Cytometry Suppl. 1:38, 1987.
41. Brede, D.E., J.A. Gaglio, G.E. Kleedtke, L.P. Armstrong, S.M. Kelley, J.H. Greenwood, L.H. Bruner, J.Paul Robinson, and J.L. Hudson: Cytometric immune status profile studies of cardiomyopathy, renal transplant and surgical intensive care patients. 2nd Annual Meeting Clinical Applications of Cytometry, Charleston, SC (USA), 30 September-3 October 1987.
42. Comment, C.C., S.M. Kelley, J.L. Hudson, S.H. Phan, and J.Paul Robinson: Development and application of flow cytometric measurement of membrane fluidity in human leukocytes. 2nd Annual Meeting Clinical Applications of Cytometry, Charleston, SC (USA), 30 September-3 October 1987.
43. Bruner, L.H., J.Paul Robinson, G.O. Till, P.A. Ward, and J.L. Hudson: H2O2 production from rat blood neutrophils after thermal injury. 2nd Annual Meeting Clinical Applications of Cytometry, Charleston, SC (USA), 30 September-3 October 1987.
44. Robinson, J.Paul, R.E. Duque, J.L.Hudson, W.J. Loesche, and P.A. Ward: Flow cytometric evaluation of gingival crevicular neutrophils: A unique application of flow cytometry in periodontal disease. Annual Meeting Australian Society for Medical Research, Threadbo, NSW, Australia, 12-16 December 1987.
45. Robinson, J.Paul, C. Comment, P.A. Ward, J.L. Hudson, and S.H. Phan: Membrane fluidity of human neutrophils alters with activation: Polarization measurement by flow cytometry. Annual Meeting Australian Society for Medical Research, Threadbo, NSW, Australia, 12-16 December 1987.
46. Robinson, J.Paul, and S. Kelley: User initiated upgrades and enhancements. EPICS National Users' Meeting, New York, NY (USA), 14-16 June 1988.
47. Robinson, J.Paul: Off-line data analysis in flow cytometry. EPICS National Users' Meeting, New York, NY (USA), 14-16 June 1988.
48. Robinson, J.Paul, L.H. Bruner, C. Comment, and J.L. Hudson: CR3, a functional surface marker for rat neutrophils: Correlation with H2O2 production using DCF. XIII International Meeting of the Society for Analytical Cytology, Breckenridge, CO (USA), 4-9 September 1988. Cytometry Suppl. 2:70, 1988.
49. Robinson, J.Paul, W. Loesche, and J.L. Hudson: Isolation & characterization of neutrophils collected from gingival crevicular spaces: Application of flow cytometry in periodontal disease. XIII International Meeting of the Society for Analytical Cytology, Breckenridge, CO (USA), 4-9 September 1988. Cytometry Suppl. 2:71, 1988.
50. Hudson, J.L., S.M. Kelley, D.E. Brede, C. Noble, and J.Paul Robinson: Cytometric immune status profiling. XIII International Meeting of the Society for Analytical Cytology, Breckenridge, CO (USA), 4-9 September 1988. Cytometry Suppl. 2:11, 1988.
51. Robinson, J.Paul, W. Loesche, and J.L. Hudson: Application of flow cytometry in periodontal disease: Isolation and functional assessement of neutrophils collected from gingival crevicular spaces. 7th International Congress of Immunology, Berlin, 30 July-5 August 1989.
52. Robinson, J.Paul, L. Bruner, C. Comment, and J.L. Hudson: Correlation of CR3 expression with H2O2 production of rat neutrophils using a flow cytometric H2O2 assay. 7th International Congress of Immunology, Berlin, 30 July-5 August 1989.
53. Robinson, J.Paul: Advances in flow cytometry instrumentation. XII Annual Conference of the Australasian Flow Cytometry Group, Melbourne, Australia, 30 November - 1 December 1989.
54. Updyke, L.W., H.L. Yoon, A.L. Kiorpes, J.Paul Robinson, C.B. Marcus, and R.W. Pfeifer: 3-Methylindole toxicity to rat splenocytes. Annual Meeting of Society of Toxicicology, Miami Beach, FL (USA), 12-16 February 1990.
55. Durack, G., G. Lawler, S. Kelley, K. Carpenter, D. Schneider, and J.Paul Robinson: A timely solution for a long list of problems: The chrono-gate method for rapid, time based flow cytometry analysis. XIV International Meeting of the Society for Analytical Cytology, Asheville, NC (USA), 18-23 March 1990. Cytometry Suppl. 4:88, 1989.
56. Robinson, J.Paul, G. Lawler, D. Schneider, R.A. Roth, L. Updyke, and R. Pfeifer: In vitro analysis of toxic chemicals: Functional assays using flow cytometry. XIV International Meeting of the Society for Analytical Cytology, Asheville, NC (USA), 18-23 March 1990. Cytometry Suppl. 4:36, 1989.
57. Kelley, S., G. Durack, P.P. Jones, W.B. Finney, and J.Paul Robinson: The aye's have it! An optical solution for comprehensive flow cytometry laboratory data management system. XIV International Meeting of the Society for Analytical Cytology, Asheville, NC (USA), 18-23 March 1990. Cytometry Suppl. 4:88, 1989.
58. Robinson, J.Paul: The "cookbook" approach! A comprehensive manual of flow cytometric techniques. Everything you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask! XIV International Meeting of the Society for Analytical Cytology, Asheville, NC (USA), 18-23 March 1990. Cytometry Suppl. 4:69, 1989.
59. Kelley, S., C. Noble, V.A. Paris Zinsmeister, R.S. Wallace, and J.Paul Robinson: A comparison of Rockhopper and Gentoo penguins with respect to DNA content and immune cell function. XIV International Meeting of the Society for Analytical Cytology, Asheville, NC (USA), 18-23 March 1990. Cytometry Suppl. 4:107-108, 1989.
60. Bill R.L., and J.Paul Robinson: Interactive video - A training tool for flow cytometry. XIV International Meeting of the Society for Conference on Analytical Cytology, Asheville, NC (USA), 18-23 March 1990. Cytometry Suppl. 4:20, 1989.
61. Durack, G., K. Carpenter, K. Plocki, and J.Paul Robinson: Sorting on the Coulter EPICS Elite using a small air cooled laser and the SortSense flowcell. XIV International Meeting of the Society for Analytical Cytology, Asheville, NC (USA), 18-23 March 1990. Cytometry Suppl. 4:69, 1989.
62. Nassiri, M.R., J.Paul Robinson, J.J. Spurr, J.S. Pudlo, C. Noble, S. Kelley, R.J. Cohn, L.B. Townsend, and J.C. Drach: Utility of flow cytometry in antiviral research. XIV International Meeting of the Society for Analytical Cytology, Asheville, NC (USA), 18-23 March 1990. Cytometry Suppl. 4:106, 1989.
63. Bassoe, C.-F., C.L. Pierson, P.A. Ward, J.L. Hudson, L.H. Bruner, and J.Paul Robinson: Neutrophil fluorescence and light scatter after the phagocytosis of DCFH-DA loaded pathogenic bacteria. XIV International Meeting of the Society for Analytical Cytology, Asheville, NC (USA), 18-23 March 1990. Cytometry Suppl. 4:30, 1989.
64. Nassiri, M.R., S.R. Turk, E.R. Kern, J.Paul Robinson, M.J. Cameron, J.S. Pudlo, L.B. Townsend, and J.C. Drach: Comparison of the activity of 4-amino and 4-hydroxyamino acyclic tubercidin analogs against cytomegaloviruses and evaluation of cytotoxicity in mammalian cell lines. International Society for Antiviral Research, 3rd International Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 22-27 April 1990.
65. J.Paul Robinson: Simultaneous measurement of oxidative burst and CR3 expression on activated rat neutrophils: Analysis using a new multiparametric technique. 27th National Meeeting of the Society for Leukocyte Biology, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 14-18 October 1990. J.Leuk.Biol.Suppl. 1:26, 1990.
66. Hamilton, T.A., W.B. Morrison, J.Paul Robinson, R.F. Teclaw, D.B. DeNicola, W.W. Carleton, and K.A. Hahn: Prognostic value of flow cytometric DNA analysis of canine lymphoma. Veterinary Cancer Society Annual Meeting, Auburn, AL (USA), 4-6 November 1990.
67. Pfeifer, R.W., L.W. Updyke, H.L. Yoon, A.L. Kiorpes, J.Paul Robinson, and C.B.Marcus: Mechanisms of 3-methylindole-induced immunotoxicity: A possible association with eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (EMS). International World Conference on Inflammation, Antirheumatics, Analgesics, Immunomodulators, Switzerland, 1991.
68. Freeman, M.J., L. Sands-Freeman, R.L. Morter, J.D. Huston, J.Paul Robinson, and G.P. Durack: Flow cytometric characterization of bovine alveolar macrophages and peripheral blood leukocytes. 4th Annual Phi Zeta Research Day. Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine, West Lafayette, IN (USA), 13 March 1991.
69. Al-Azawi, N., and J.Paul Robinson: Surface receptor measurement by flow cytometry as an indication of neutrophil activation. 4th Annual Phi Zeta Research Day. Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine, West Lafayette, IN (USA), 13 March 1991.
70. Maguire, D., J.Paul Robinson, and G.B. King: An expert system for the automated assistance of clinical phenotypic diagnosis. 4th Annual Phi Zeta Research Day. Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine, West Lafayette, IN (USA), 13 March 1991.
71. Narayanan, P., and J.Paul Robinson: Kinetic measurements of leukocyte maturation and function by flow cytometry: The HL-60 model. 4th Annual Phi Zeta Research Day. Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine, West Lafayette, IN (USA), 13 March 1991.
72. Spurr, J.J., M.R. Nassiri, J.Paul Robinson, and J.C.Drach: Comparison of tetrazolium assay to cell growth in anticancer drug screening. IADR/AADR meeting, Acapulco, Mexico, 17-21 April 1991.
73. Durack, G., D. Maguire, G. King, and J.Paul Robinson: A barcode scanner for setting the tube parameter in TIP data acquisition. XV Congress of the International Society for Analytical Cytology, The Grieghallen, Bergen, Norway, 25-30 August 1991. Cytometry Suppl. 5:134, 1991.
74. Durack, G., S. Kelley, K. Ragheb, G. Lawler, D. Maguire, G. King, and J.Paul Robinson: Barcodes in flow laboratory management. XV Congress of the International Society for Analytical Cytology, The Grieghallen, Bergen, Norway, August 25-30, 1991. Cytometry Suppl. 5:134, 1991.
75. Carter, W.O., and J.Paul Robinson: A simple rapid method for hemolysis of less than 20 ml blood for immunophenotyping. XV Congress of the International Society for Analytical Cytology, The Grieghallen, Bergen, Norway, 25-30 August 1991. Cytometry Suppl. 5:103, 1991.
76. Robinson, J.Paul, G. Durack, S. Kelley, K. Ragheb, and G. Lawler: An improved method for kinetic evaluation using flow cytometry. XV Congress of the International Society for Analytical Cytology, The Grieghallen, Bergen, Norway, 25-30 August 1991. Cytometry Suppl. 5:50, 1991.
77. Robinson, J.Paul, G. Durack, S. Kelley, K. Ragheb, G. Lawler, and E.J. Lovett: Rapid analysis of crossreacting antibodies by flow cytometry. XV Congress of the International Society for Analytical Cytology, The Grieghallen, Bergen, Norway, 25-30 August 1991. Cytometry Suppl. 5:106, 1991.
78. Kelley, S., G. Durack, and J.Paul Robinson: A listmode data editing and parameter generation utility. XV Congress of the International Society for Analytical Cytology, The Grieghallen, Bergen, Norway, 25-30 August 1991. Cytometry Suppl. 5:134, 1991.
79. Maguire, D., G. King, and J.Paul Robinson: Automated interpretation of phenotypic data using a multiparameter expert system. XV Congress of the International Society for Analytical Cytology, The Grieghallen, Bergen, Norway, 25-30 August 1991. Cytometry Suppl. 5:63-64, 1991.
80. J.Paul Robinson, Reduction of multi-color flow cytometry data to useful and manageable forms: some solutions, International Society for Analytical Cytology,Bergen, Norway, August 5-30,1991, 1991.
81. Jones, P.P., A.T. Peter, and J.Paul Robinson: Monoclonal antibody 12/49 separation of X and Y chromosome-bearing bovine spermatozoa using immunomagnetic beads and flow cytometry. 72nd Conference of Research Workers in Animal Disease, Chicago, IL (USA), 11-12 November 1991.
82. Robinson, J.Paul, D. Maguire, and G. King: Application of expert systems to analysis of flow phenotypic data from patients with haematologic malignancies. Australian Society for Medical Research, Canberra, ACT, 15-18 December 1991.
83. Jones, P.P., A.T. Peter, and J.Paul Robinson: An immunomagnetic method to separate X and Y chromosome-bearing mammalian spermatozoa. 12th Int. Cong. Animal Reproduction, The Hague, The Netherlands, 23-27 August 1992.
84. Bowersock, T.L, J. Paul Robinson, D.L. Ryker: Flow cytometric evaluation of leukotocin treated cells. 72nd Conference of Research Workers in Animal Disease, Chicago, IL (USA), 11-12 November 1991.
85. M.R.Nassiri, S.R. Turk, M.P.Petrillo, J.Paul Robinson, R.V.Devivar,L.B.Townsend, J.C.Drach: Benzimidazole Ribonucleosides: Cytotoxicity of TCRB and BDCRB to human cells. International Society for Antiviral Research, Vancouver, B.C. Canada, March 8-13, 1992.
86. J.Paul Robinson, "Clinical Indications for Cell Function Measurements by Flow Cytometry"; University of Regensberg, Germany, March 26-27, 1992
87. J.P. Robinson, TIP: a possible solution for high turnover laboratories, Midwest Cytometry Users' Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, February 18-20, 1992.
88. J.Paul Robinson, "Flow cytometry - the role in clinical microbiology", Institute of Clinical Laboratory Sciences Symposium, Microbiology & Infectious Diseases Section, Raddison Hotel, London, Ontaria Canada, April 23-24, 1992.
89. J.Paul Robinson, "Cell function Measurements using flow cytometry" Institute of Clinical Laboratory Sciences Symposium, Pathology & Cytology Section, Raddison Hotel, London, Ontaria Canada, April 23-24, 1992.
90. G. Durack, S. Kelley, and J.P. Robinson, A flow cytometry laboratory information management system developed with a commercial relational database, Clinical Applications in Cytometry, Charleston, SC, USA September 16-19, 1992.
91. J.Paul Robinson and O.F. Roesel, A computer based program for tutorials and quiz for flow cytometry, International Society for Analytical Cytology, Colorado Springs,CO, 21-26 March, 1993.
92. W.O. Carter, P.K. Narayanan, J.Paul Robinson, T.C.K. Chan, and C.-J. Chang, Flow cytometric detection of terminal differentiation in HL60 cells induced by novel anticancer agents, International Society for Analytical Cytology, Colorado Springs,CO, 21-26 March, 1993.
93. D. Maguire, S. Kelley, K. Ragheb, G.B. King, and J.Paul Robinson, Statistical correlations of 2-color data resulting from direct analysis and extraction from 3-color, International Society for Analytical Cytology, Colorado Springs,CO, 21-26 March, 1993.
94. J.Paul Robinson, D. Maguire, S. Kelley, K. Ragheb, and G.B. King, Statistical determination of minimum cell numbers for 2 and 3 color immunophenotyping, International Society for Analytical Cytology, Colorado Springs,CO, 21-26 March, 1993.
95. P.K. Narayanan, G. Lawler, K. Ragheb, R.A. Roth, P. Ganey, and J.Paul Robinson, Inhibition of H2O2 production and CD11b expression of human neutrophils and HL-60 cells by the PCB Arochlor 1242, International Society for Analytical Cytology, Colorado Springs,CO, 21-26 March, 1993.
96. P.K. Narayanan, G. Lawler, K. Ragheb, S. Kelley, G. Durack, and J.Paul Robinson, Inhibition index for controlled assessment of functional status of phagocytes for the clinical setting, International Society for Analytical Cytology, Colorado Springs,CO, 21-26 March, 1993.
97. G.B. King, G. Durack, K. Ragheb, and J.Paul Robinson, Evaluation of an air cooled, diode pumped, Nd:YAG laser for use in flow cytometry, International Society for Analytical Cytology, Colorado Springs,CO, 21-26 March 1993.
98. S. Kelley, G. Durack, D. Maguire, K. Ragheb, and J.Paul Robinson, An automated system for immunophenotype analysis, International Society for Analytical Cytology, Colorado Springs,CO, 21-26 March, 1993.
99. S. Kelley, G. Durack, and J.Paul Robinson, The cytometry electronic mailing list, International Society for Analytical Cytology, Colorado Springs,CO, 21-26 March 1993.
100. D. Maguire, S. Kelley, G. Durack, G.B. King, and J.Paul Robinson, A rapid method to assess sample and cytometer quality control utilizing a partially redundant panel and the phenogram representation, International Society for Analytical Cytology, Colorado Springs,CO, 21-26 March 1993.
101. G. Durack, S. Kelley, K. Ragheb, G. Lawler, and J.Paul Robinson, Rapid processing, analysis and presentation of flow cytometry data collected from a high volume multiple sample assay, International Society for Analytical Cytology, Colorado Springs,CO, 21-26 March, 1993.
102. G. Durack, K. Ragheb, G. Lawler, G. King, and J.Paul Robinson, Multiple laser beam flow cytometry with mixed gas and multi-line lasers, International Society for Analytical Cytology, Colorado Springs,CO, 21-26 March, 1993.
103. D. Schaffer, G.B. King, G. Durack, and J.Paul Robinson, A closed system flow sorter based upon a proportional amplifier, International Society for Analytical Cytology, Colorado Springs,CO, 21-26 March, 1993.
104. P.K. Narayanan, K. Ragheb, G. Lawler, P. Ganey, R.A. Roth, and J.Paul Robinson, PCB induced inhibition of H2O2 production and CD11b expression of human neutrophils and HL-60 cells, Great Lakes International Flow Cytometry Association Meeting, Detroit, MI, 25-27 September 1992 .
105. G. Durack, S. Kelley, K. Ragheb, G. Lawler, and J.Paul Robinson, Are there any answers in your data? Four significant digits: threat or menace! After all, the object of flow cytometry is to get your data, isn't it? Great Lakes International Flow Cytometry Association Meeting,Detroit, MI, 25-27 September 1992 .
106. W.O.Carter & J.Paul Robinson, Isolation and long term culture of rat pulmonary endothelial cells: Phi Zeta Research Presentation, Purdue Univeristy, April 13, 1993.
107. W.O.Carter & J.Paul Robinson, Evaluation of fluorescent intracellular oxidation products in endothelial cells using 2'7' dichlorofluorescin diacetate and hydroethidine. Phi Zeta Research Presentation, Purdue Univeristy, April 13, 1993.
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