The Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories was established to provide both the university and industry with a state-of-the-art facility for analytical cytology, instrumentation engineering, and computer-assisted diagnostics through expert system development.
The strong links that exist between the Cytometry Laboratories and the Schools of Engineering prompted the establishment of the Engineering Development Laboratory. This laboratory's purpose is to develop new instrumentation and to apply leading edge engineering technology to cytometry. Expertise in signal processing, optics, computer engineering, data analysis, networking, and expert systems is available through affiliated faculty and graduate students.
A new Optical Engineering Instrumentation and Cell Biology program has recently been established. This program funds graduate/postgraduate students in the areas designated within the Engineering Development Laboratory. Scholarships are available through this program for exceptional students.
The application of expert systems and neural networks to disease diagnosis and chemotherapeutic monitoring is an important development area. We are interested in studying analytical techniques for cytometric data handling and analysis leading to exciting capabilities using expert systems.
The facility has a strong commitment to biological research, particularly in the area of immunology. Research programs in immune deficiency, trauma & shock, as well cancer research are supported in the facility.
The facility is rapidly developing an interest in Microbial Cytometry. The application of flow cytometry to the field of microbiology is clearly becoming more important. We are currently working toward a new program in this area.
The facility has an interest in developing computer interactive teaching and instructional
materials. We have begun this process by developing a specialty CD-ROM which
links the field of cytoemtry electronically. Information about this project is available
(Educational Activities).
One related activity has been the compilation of
methodologies for flow cytometry. In this regard, the
Current Protocols in Cytometry.
In addition, this laboratory has been in volved in other significant publications
such as Methods in Cell Biology Vol 41 and
Methods in Cell Biology, Volume 42.
The facility is equipped with nearly $2 million worth of
state-of-the-art instrumentation including 4 high-speed
cell sorters as well as a benchtop analyzer (Bio-Rad BRYTE HS flow cytometer)
For Image analysis, a Bio-Rad MRC 1024 UV/VIS confocal microscope, and a DVC
direct view confocal scope are available both mounted on inverted Nikon 300
The computing area contains 20 networked computers as well as laser
printers, CODONICS NP 1600 dye-sub color printer, optical storage,
and digital camera capabilities for color graphics.
Two Silicon Graphics Indigo 2 computers run VoxelView for
3D image reconstruction.
The facility is linked to Bitnet and Internet via fiber optic cable, for
connection worldwide. The Flow Cytometry Mailing list
is operated from this facility. This links approximately 1250 cytometrists from around the world.
If you would like to join the user group or request further information you can do so now
[email to Cytometry
User Group Administrator].
The mailing list is a discussion group in the area of flow cytometry and has
been operating since 1989. An FTP site is available to send and receive cytometry
related information [FTP
to PURDUE now].
For information contact J.Paul Robinson, Ph.D, Director PUCL, 1515 Hansen B050,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1515, U.S.A. Phone: (317) 494-0757;
Fax: (317) 494-0517: Send an email request now to J. Paul Robinson: