Re: PC to Mac?

Hans-Peter Steffens (hpsteff@MZDMZA.ZDV.UNI-MAINZ.DE)
Tue, 04 Feb 1997 14:23:07 +0100

At 14:29 03.02.97 -0500, you wrote:
>To the list,
> Here's my problem! We are using an older FACScan (in clinical
>department) which is FACSnetted to a Gateway 2000 computer. A Zip drive
>is being hooked up to the Gateway which will be used to backup listmode
>files. What we would like to do is add a Zip drive to a PowerMac and do
>our analyses on it using CellQuest. =20
You might need a second dongle !

We do have a FACSort attached to a Quadra 650 wich is netted with a second
Qudra650 to have a separate analysis station.
The best thing would be to upgrade the facs-computer ( wich is a HP ? ) to a
Mac-based one (PowerPC) using Cellquest for aquisition and analysis! (Try
to convince the responsibles in the clinical department :-) )

this is my personal view since I only know this setup compared to older HP
systems based on consort or Lysis II Software.

The PowerMac based Cellquest might be even better.
For your Zip shuttle solution. Cellquest and a BD=B4s software to convert
files from older BD programs can help to analyse such files but it is less
comfortable. ( I tried it once with disks from HP to Mac and it was a

hope this helps

Hans-Peter Steffens
Institute for Virology, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
Obere Zahlbacher Strasse 67, 55101 MAINZ, Germany
Tel.: ++49-6131-17-3165
Fax: ++49-6131-39-5604