Ailing HP340 system

Nick Goulding (
Thu, 6 Feb 1997 09:17:35 GMT

The Consort 32 system software on our HP340 workstation
is misbehaving. It loses files and directories, will not
access certain directories and has lost volume #46.
We can still run Lysis II and all the file utilities
but can only store data files in one directory (#11:/APP/MAST/)

Can we get things fixed without re-initialising and re-installing
all the software?

Would be glad of any assistance.

Nick J Goulding PhD
Head, Arthritis Research Section
Dept of Biochemical Pharmacology
The Medical College of St Bartholomew's Hospital
Charterhouse Square
London EC1M 6BQ

Tel: UK (0) 171 982 6128
Fax: UK (0) 171 982 6076