BUG membership

Thu, 13 Feb 97 14:33:59

Greetings everyone,

The following letter was mailed to current BUG members. If you are
interested in what BUG is and what we can do for you, keep reading.

Boston Users Group For Cytometry

It is the start of another year and time to renew your membership
for 1997. The yearly dues will remain the same at $20.00. Our current
membership is 83 and we thank you for your continued support.

We were quite busy in 1996 with housekeeping business: the
membership directory was finally compiled and distributed and our BUG
WWW site became active. In addition, we organized a stem cell meeting
held September 24, 1996 at the World Trade Center which was a huge
success. There were over 100 people in attendance as well as support
from 10 vendors.

Those of you who attended the Sept. 24 meeting are aware that Peter
Lopez has transferred to Colorado to work at Cytomation. He will try to
remain active in BUG but will no longer hold any organizational
responsibilities. Please do not call his number at Dana Farber for
information. Glenn Paradis has taken over as President and will be
happy to answer any questions.

Our plans for this year are to update the membership directory (we
will publish and distribute a 1997 version), as well as to hold more
meetings. We would like to hold one large meeting a year at
approximately the same time (Sept-Oct) as well as hold 1-2 smaller
dinner meetings. Anyone with suggestions or who would like to help with
the meetings or speak at the meetings please contact one of the members
of the BUG planning committee.

If you have World Wide Web access, be sure to have a look at the
BUG WWW site; point your browser to URL: http://www.shore.net/`bugbytes.
To join BUG print out the form at URL
http://www1.shore.net/~bugbytes/email.html and mail it to the new BUG
address at the bottom of the form. If you want a membership form
emailed to you send requests to Glenn Paradis at my email address below.

Thank you for your continued support and we hope to see you all

The Planning Committee for the Boston Users Group for Cytometry:

Glenn Paradis 617-253-6454 gap@mit.edu
Maryann Demaria 508-624-8029 mdemaria@warren.med.harvard.edu
Nancy Perlmutter 617-576-0660 ngp@shapirolab.com
Rich Konz 617-374-7433 rkonz@genzyme.com
John Daley 617-632-4571 john_daley@dfci.harvard.edu
Chris Groves 617-679-7184 groves@mpi.com
Maris Handley 617-632-3179 handley@sorter.dfci.harvard.edu