XL vs. Calibur

Wed, 19 Mar 1997 15:44:49 -0500 (EST)

Thanks for all of the responses (and keep them coming if there are more,
we haven't made up our minds yet). I'm going to make the collected
comments available to two people who contacted me saying they had a
similar request. I'm going to leave in the attributions since I figure
anyone who responded to me privately would have done the same for anyone
else who asked. I'm also going to make the comments available to our
Coulter sales rep, leaving out the attributions from the private messages.
I was going to also post a copy to the mailing list for any interested
lurkers...without the private message attributions. And I'm keeping an
archive of these things as I get them so if anyone in the near future asks
they can be sent to me and I'll forward the info on.

Lisa Glickstein, Ph.D.
Instructor of Medicine
New England Medical Center