Re: myeloperoxidase

Ugo Consoli (
Fri, 21 Mar 1997 20:27:47 +0100

We routinely use intracytoplasmic MPO in combination with surface
MoAb for immunopheno typing of acute leukemia.
We have great result using BD lysing solution to permeabilize and
fix the cells after staining for surface MoAbs.
MPO monoclonal antibody and IgG control come from DAKO.
Just check after BD solution that all your cell are permeabilized.
We also use the same procedure for TdT with the same good results.

Hope this will help you !
Good luck

Ugo Consoli M.D.
Institute of Hematology and
Bone Marrow Transplantation
University of Catania, Italy.