Re: Commercial websites (was Re: BDIS Home Page)

Gerhard Nebe-von-Caron (
09 Apr 1997 12:52:40 +0100

I also don't mind that bit of commercialism as it is quicker
dumped in the e-mail than in the waste paper basket if I
don't want it.

I still like to find a comprehensive list of commercial
suppliers. The list between Purdue and Munich is pretty good
but not necessarily up to date. Dako has for example their
own home page and Biorad wasn't on them the last time
either. Perhaps the best way to keep up to date is to allow
the commercials to add their address to the pages themselves
like Paul intends to do with the other site links.

Another thing that would be nice to have is some listing of
'useful information' like the compensation tutorial of Mark
Roederer, the lin to log conversion from Dave Coder, the
useful tips for winmdi users, how to clean laser brewster
windows .... just to name a few. It also would be nice to
get some of the commercial slides on flow principles (not
pictures of gray or beige boxes on lab-benches) on the
internet with the intention of free use. Perhaps even the
flow tutorial from Coulter might be somewhere on the net.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Commercial websites (was Re: BDIS Home Page)
Author: jmsimone@IX.NETCOM.COM at INTERNET
Date: 08/04/97 23:43

Thanks, Jeff, for letting us know about the Bio-Rad website.

One doesn't always have the time to check on all of the FCM related
sites and update our links.

You're correct to point out that commercialism should be kept at a
minimum on this list, but short notices regarding useful info, I
believe, are OK.

(Sorry if I stepped on anyone's toes re: my BDIS homepage post; just
wanted to get the info out and, no, I don't get any commission) :-)
