Daily drift of EPICS XL

Gary Durack (durack@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu)
Fri, 9 May 1997 16:16:32 -0500 (CDT)

A question for EPICS XL users.

We see a conistant 5-7% decrease in the mean intensity of fluorescent
microspheres measured by our EPICS XL over a period of 3 hours from morning
start up. Ambient room temperature varies less than 2 degrees. Coulter is
not sure if this exceeds any of their specifications for performance.

My question is if this is a systemic problem. Do any other XL users see
similar behavior?

Gary Durack
University of Illinois Biotechnology Center
voice (217) 244-0559 fax (217) 244-0466