Re: Password programs for the Mac + Some comments to list

Matthias Haury (
Tue, 27 May 1997 10:55:23 +0200

At 22:44 -0700 25/05/97, Telford, William pH.d. wrote:
>Hello everyone.
>At the risk of offending someone with a not-directly-flow-related question,
>has anyone found a Mac program that can attach a password access requirement
>to starting a program (such as CellQuest)? We would like to be able to have
>our paying customers "log on" to CellQuest using a password, with their
>resulting usage time recorded for billing purposes. I seem to remember this
>request coming up on the list before, but darned if I can find it in the
>Thanks in advance!
>Bill Telford
>Hospital for Special Surgery
>Flow Cytometry Core Facility
>535 East 70th Street
>New York, NY 10021

Hello Bill (and the others...)

don't worry about offending some of these so called "list-observers", who
have nothing else to contribute than to complain, they might as well be
offended (or better sign off). I completely agree with Howard's comments
(see his previous message), ...this is the most useful mailing list on the

Therefore we should keep it like it is... Flowcytometry is a technical
science, so why shouldn't there be both, technical and scientific
discussions going over the net...

Anyway, thanks first of all to those fellows in the background (Steve and
the others) that keep this list going !

Ok here to your problem:

1. I think most people use FileGuard 3.0, that you can buy from any regular
software reseller. Works ok, although you can't use a UNIX password
database to connect to.

2. Mac Login:
Here is one that is shareware, but that crashes straight on System 7.5.5 US
on my PowerMac 9500/200 so I didn't try it out further... might work fine
on other systems)
See MacLogin Page:

3. Then there is Mac Administrator:
Works great for me...and has the advantage that it allows auditing of
printing and password databases on UNIX fileservers to be used...

World Wide Web:

United Kingdom: Tel: +44 (0)1892 891291 Fax: +44 (0)1892 891292
United States: Tel: 800 455 0888 Fax: 508 543 6923

And there might be a couple of others, if you get any more answers, let me
know, then we could compile a list of programs...

Hope that helps,

Cheers, Matthias

Matthias Haury Flowcytometry Dept Immunology Institut Pasteur Tel: 33 (01) 40 61 31 29 Fax: 33 (01) 45 68 86 39