David Galbraith (dgalbrai@ag.Arizona.EDU)
Wed, 24 May 1995 13:58:31 -0700

FYI etc.

David G.
>Congratulations to all FASEB Society members who responded so rapidly
>and forcefully to our call for assistance last week. The Hatfield
>Amendment restoring NIH funding was approved today (Wed.) by an
>overwhelming 85-14 vote in the Senate.
>The amendment revised the Senate Budget Resolution which had cut $8
>billion from NIH over the next seven years. The Hatfield proposal
>restores $7 billion of that amount. Senator Hatfield deserves great
>credit for his wonderful effort.
>Your outpouring of faxes, phone calls and other contacts helped to
>make this a bright day for NIH and biomedical research. Considering
>the fiscal situation we face, you have done something spectacular and
>you can be very proud of your effort.
>Today's action is a very important first step for maintaining NIH
>funding in fiscal 1996. We have a long way to go to translate the
>Senate vote into what we hope will be a good outcome for the NIH in
>both the budget and appropriation processes. We will be calling on
>you for further help. We'll also provide you with an official
>voting list as soon as we can get it so you can thank those 85
>Senators who voted for the Amendment, and indicate your concerns to
>those who did not.
>Meantime, thanks again and best wishes.
>Sam Silverstein
>FASEB President

David Galbraith
Professor of Plant Sciences
University of Arizona
303 Forbes Building
Tucson AZ 85721
Phone (520) 621-9153
FAX (520) 621-7186

**Please note change in area code!**