Logging Software for MAC-Cellquest ???

Matthias Haury (mhaury@pasteur.fr)
Fri, 2 Jun 1995 09:36:53 +0100

Hello tout le monde,

Concerning the logging of users for FACScans etc, I would like to know if
anybody knows a program that allows to log users (about 60-100 different
users) with individual password access on the Mac which doesn't cause
problem with Cellquest.

I've tried the following:

Fileguard 2.9:
Works in principal very well with Cellquest, but has the problem that it
includes the possibility for users to lock up the Mac, so that only they
can re-enter the Mac. This is of course not acceptable on a free accessible
FACScan, as one user can block the machine completely, and go
home..(apparently version 3.0 will allow a control over this funktion..
Problem crashes with Quickkeys 3.01 at some occasions...

crashes completely with the System Z 7.1 Quadra 650 that is delivered by
BD, haven't tried System 7.5 yeta (as BD doesn't guarantee Cellquest 1.1.1
to work with 7.5), probably because of the EVE extension, which seems to
cause numerous extension conflicts with lot's of other stuff...

I looked through most INFO-Mac shareware, but couldn't find anything really
useful for a large number of users...

So hope somebody can come up with a solution.. and BDIS - perhaps you try
to make sure that the EVE extension is respecting Apple guidelines...

Merci for any ideas...



Matthias Haury _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/
Flowcytometry _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
Department of Immunology _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/
Institut Pasteur _/ _/ _/
25 rue du Dr. Roux _/_/_/ _/ _/
Tel: 33 1 45 68 85 38
Tel: 33 1 40 61 31 29
Fax: 33 1 45 68 86 39
Email: mhaury@pasteur.fr