RE: Blood Differential Count
Wed, 07 Jun 95 17:58:35 PST

In reply to Rekha Shah regarding a differential count using flow
cytometry. There is an excellent article by Lauralynn Lebeck in the
1993 Sysmex Journal International, Vol. 3 No 1, p 61-69.

In a nutshell, this looks at CD45, CD13, CD14, FSC and SSC. This
correlates well with the traditional manual dif for neutrophils,
lymphocytes, and eosinophils. Monos are slightly higher, owing
largely to a preferential loss of monos in the traditional wedge
smear. Monos (by flow) correlate well with the "spun blood film prep"
method, which is less hazardous to their health.

A slightly adapted version of this has become our method of choice.

Ric Thorpe
Loma Linda University Immunology Center
Loma Linda, CA
Voice: (909) 824-4144
Fax: (909) 478-4144

>Is there any way to get blood differential count by flow cytometry.

>I am working on getting a literature search done. Meanwhile I
thought of >getting input from experts on this forum. I have seen
lots of great >exchanges here.

>Rekha Shah
>6 Davis Dr.
>Pob 12137
>Research Triangle Park NC 27709
>Voice: (919) 558-1370
>Fax: (919) 558-1300
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