0.0 CD 34+ cells in a stem cell collection

e gold (EGOLD@path.som.sunysb.edu)
Wed, 21 Jun 1995 13:47:38 EST5EDT

We recently stem-cell harvested a 50 y/o asian male with NHL in
remission by peripheral apheresis, after 5 days of g-csf
(5 mcg/kg/day). Pre harvest CBC was 30000 wbc's, with 75%
neutrophils. 3.86 X 10^8 MNC's were collected, but NO CD 34+ cells.

This is the first time we have encountered a nil CD34 harvest, and are
very interested in the experience of others who have encountered the
same thing. Questions that come to mind:
Are the cells there, but unassayable?
Is a different mobilization technique required?
What has been the subsequent bone marrow harvest yield, if performed
Is a CFU assay concordant?
Any and all thoughts appreciated! -E gold MD

Eric Gold M.D. <egold@path.som.sunysb.edu>
Blood Bank, Dept. of Pathology
SUNY @ Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3419
Voice: 516 444 2630 Fax: 444 3137