Thu, 29 Jun 1995 17:41:48 -0400

It must be vacation time and over the last two weeks ( June 16-June 30), I
only received 9 responses to the question of how do flow cytometry labs
define %S phase analysis. However, here are the preliminary results and I
will continue to add to the list as I get new responses.

Question #1----How many devide %S by ploidy status?

Answer: 8/9 (88%)

Question #2----How do they define there cut points?

Answer: all use their own distributions

Answer: 7/9 (78%) use tertiles
2/9 (22%) use median or other methods

Question #3------What are the cut points used.

Answer: For those who use tertiles 5 of 7 gave values. The range
of intermediate % S values for diploid was 3 to 7 and the intermediate %S
for aneuploid was 6 to 17. The low and high values were below or above the
intermediate ranges.
For those who used median values and gave the value, it
was 6.5%. The other labs that answered the question did not give any

I hope that this small data set gives some information for thought.
However, it would have been nice to have more participation.
Dr. Timothy Kute
Pathology Department TEL# 910-716-2950
Bowman Gray School of Med. FAX# 910-716-7595
Medical Center Blvd.
Winston-Salem, NC 27157-1072 E-MAIL:
910-716-2950 Fax 910-716-7595
