optical drives

Thu, 13 Jul 1995 08:48 -0400 (EDT)

We have been using a Fujitsu optical drive to store our flow
data and have had one problem after another. We are
currently on our 3rd drive in less than 1 year. The first
drive could not be recognized by our Mac. The second drive
was recognized by our Mac, but was always slow (something we
didn't realize till drive number 3). It also did not always
know when we put disks in it and we would have to eject the
disk and replace it again and again until it was recognized.
Finally it started trashing disks and we moved on to drive
number 3. This drive has been working well (or at least
significantly better than #1 and 2). This week, however,
our current storage disk got trashed and we could not
retrieve our data. I don't know whether the current problem
is because of a bad disk? We haven't used many optical
disks and I would be surprised at so many being bad. Or is
our current drive getting out of control?

Pardon my rant, but I would like some advice.

Are these experiences usual, and if not can anyone suggest
what the source(s) of our problems may be?

Do optical disks vary significantly in quality from vendor
to vendor?


Karen Mann, MD,PhD
Clinical Flow Cytometry
Duke Univ Med Center
Durham, NC 27710