Use of Isoton II as sheath fluid
Wed, 30 Aug 1995 14:30:23 -0400 (EDT)
I am currently doing a post-doc in toxicology. My mentor is currently putting
together a proposal that will include flow cytometry. We are both new to the
field. We would like to attempt to identify pre-neoplastic hepatic cells at
various points following exposure to toxicants. The toxicants are known to
cause liver tumors in mice after chronic exposure. We would like to use markers
that we have used in the earlier studies with immunostaining: c-myc, c-jun,
TGFa and TGFb. We will harvest at least 30 liver samples on any given day. Is
there a preferred method for sample storage? And for dissagregation of the
tissue into cells? I have read the papers dealing with paraffin embedded
samples, is this digestion procedure suitable only for collection of nuclei for
DNA work?
I would appreciate any advice that anyone has time to offer.
Thanks in advance,
Linda J. Graeter, Ph.D.