Re: deflection plate malfunction

Erik Noteboom (
Mon, 18 Sep 1995 12:14:22 +0100 (WET DST)

There are two high voltage power devices, located behind the right door
of the electronic console.
Whenever one of these devices is malfunctioning, then you will have these
kinds of problems. However, in your case it seems that high voltage is
restored after 10 min to 1 hour. I Never waited to see if things
were better. So there might also be some related problem om this board.

What you can try is to change the connectors on this board, in order to see
if the problem isn't located somewhere else.

One of reasons why this can happen, is that you have short circuiting between
the plates. This can damage your high voltage devices very easily.

In order to fix the problem you probably need a whole new board, which is
only available at B.D..
I advise you to take off the high voltage unit that is still functioning,
because in future time it can save you a lot of money!!

Eric Noteboom
NKI/the Netherlands