Raymond B. Hester (
Mon, 16 Oct 1995 10:37:51 -0500 (CDT)

Thanks for all of the replies to my question about UV side scatter. Most
of the replies suggested I should determine whether the 488 BP filter was
in front of the SS PMT. And that was the case - a 488/10 filter. Removing
it resulted in a signal. If we continue this project, I'll need to see
about the best filter to put there.

As far as optimizing this signal, there was the possibility mentioned that
our fluorescence pick-up lens might not be a UV lens. It is.

Others mentioned the dichroic and I'll have to check on that.

As far as whether the signal should be stronger, or weaker,
than 488 SS, some said it should be stronger, others said not. I suppose
both could be correct, depending on how well the system is optimized with
respect to all of the lens and filters.

Thanks again for your help.


Raymond B. Hester, Ph.D. Someday, after we have mastered the
Flow Cytometry Lab winds, the waves, the tides and
The University of South Alabama gravity, we shall harness the energies
Mobile, AL 36688-0002 of love. Then, for the second time
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