CellQuest Crashes!

Fri, 20 Oct 95 12:20:31 EST

Hi! CellQuest Users.

About the problem with CellQuest crashing I had that problem and it
took us with, the help of BD, 4 days to figure out the exact solution.
There are actually two possible problems:

1- The SENTINEL Eve Tranceiver, which BD is having trouble
with two defective serial numbers. I only know one
serial number ending in 3024. Part# 05-10897-00

2- The Mac Aquisition Card (PLBD-BDMAC.OO2) is giving BD
troubleduring communication between the Mac and the
Cytometer. Part# 03-20061-065

NOTE: If you look though the grid on top of the Mac CPU you
will be able to see a red LED #. According to BD it
should always be 0 or 1. When mine was crashing it
showed a 7. In the system an ERROR TYPE 1 is a memory
conflicting error, in other words the board is BAD!

Angel V. Delgado
US Army Institute of Surgical Research
Biochemistry Branch
Fort Sam Houston
San Antonio, Texas 78234
(210) 221-4544