Abstract deadlines for presentation and poster formats have been
extend to November 10. All abstracts received by that date can be
considered for either presentation or poster format.
If you have not sent in your abstracts for the Rimini meeting please
do so.
Also, I have a general question to the group --- there are few if any
sessions designated for live cell functional biology at the Rimini
meeting- At the last meeting, George Babcock and I had a session
dealing with oxidative metabolism, and other live cell functional
studies. The session was well attended - would there be interest in
us organizing a similar session at the Rimini meeting?
Best Regards
J.Paul Robinson, Purdue University Cytometry Labs
robinson@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu PH:317-494 6449 FAX:317-494 0517
web http://www.cyto.purdue.edu