sheath buff

Thomas Delohery (
Wed, 8 Nov 1995 12:51:54 +0530

Hi all,

Does anyone have any experience using HBSS (Hanks Buffered Salt Solution)
as sheath in a sorter? We've been using it for some sorts over the last
couple of months because one of our users feels it increases cell viability.
We have problems phasing the side streams and it clogs our sheath filter.
Our usual buffer is PBS w/o Ca++ and Mg++ and we have no problems with it.

any comments would be appreciated


 Thomas Delohery                        | Internet:
 Manager, Flow Cytometry Core Facility  |    Phone: (212) 639-8729
 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center |      Fax: (212) 794-4019
 1275 York Ave. Box 98                  |
 New York, NY    10021                  |