Red tracking dyes for yeast?

Daniel Deere (
Wed, 22 May 1996 19:58:37 GMT+1000

Thanks for reading this message,

We wish to label yeast cells using a red or orange dye. The
properties required are that it should no not diffuse from labelled
to unlabelled cells and should be retained for many hours within
stained cells. Ideally the labelling would be bright enough that
cells would remain detectably labelled even after dilution over several generations.

Has anyone had success using PKH26 (Zynaxis/Sigma) for labelling yeast cells?
Or how about CMTMR CellTracker orange (Molecular Probes)?
Or even MitoTracker red (Mol Prob)?

Thanks for your help


Dr Dan Deere (
Research Fellow
Australian Environmental Flow Cytometry Group
School of Biological Sciences,
Macquarie University,
Australia NSW 2109.
Tel- +61 2 850 8150/8238 or 8685510
Fax- +61 2 850 8245