I know this doesn't really solve your problem, but at least you know that
you are not alone.
Rochelle Diamond
Caltech Flow Cytometry/Cell Sorting Facility
On Tue, 2 Jul 1996, Steven Weintraub wrote:
> We are trying to use the enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP) to
> identify transiently transfected cells for cell cycle studies. We want to
> quantitate DNA in the cells with propidium iodide and assess for new DNA
> sysnthesis with BrDU. Several procedures that we have used to permeabilize
> the cells to allow for PI or BrDU antibody uptake inactivate the GFP. Has
> anyone worked out a method for using GFP in this manner?
> Steven Weintraub, M.D.
> Departments of Internal Medicine and
> Cell Biology and Physiology,
> Washington University School of Medicine
> at Washington University Medical Center
> Campus Box 8052, 660 S. Euclid Ave.
> St. Louis, MO 63110-1093
> (314) 362-8964 FAX: (314) 362-8987