intracellular cytokines

Michael G. Ormerod (100537.2462@CompuServe.COM)
11 Jul 96 17:33:27 EDT

Brian Rabinovitch enquired about staining for intracellular cytokines.

Margaret North and John Farrant, Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, London,
have supplied material for my CD-ROM ('Data Analysis in Flow Cytometry - a
dynamic approach' available from Phoenix Flow Sytems) showing staining of
mononuclear cells from human peripheral blood. The cells were incubated for 12 h
either with monensin (unstimulated) or with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA),
ionomycin and monensin (stimulated). They stained for IFN-gamma, TFN-alpha and
IL-2. Their listed data files are on the CD-ROM. The accompanying book gives
details of the method.

Michael Ormerod