Position Open
Thu, 11 Jul 96 11:23:00 PDT
Dear Fellow Flowers
A Flow Cytometry and Confocal Microscopy Unit has been setup as a core
facility at the National University Medical Institute (NUMI) in Singapore to
support members in the Faculty of Medicine, National University of
Singapore. The unit has a Coulter Elite and a BD FACStar Plus. A position
for a Research Scientist is now open. The Scientist will be supervising a
laboratory technician in routine flow analysis as well as manage the Flow
Cytometry Unit. In addition, he/she will be expected to work independently
and develop newer applications like chromosomal sorting, intracellular
staining and ion flux measurements and others. Applicants should have a
recognised higher academic degree (PhD) and have experience in flow
cytometry :-
1] experience with multicolour analysis.
2] experience with DNA and bivariate analysis.
3] experience with chromosomal and apoptosis studies using flow cytometry.
4] experience with multiparameter cell sorting.
5] managerial and computer skills would be helpful.
For further details, interested applicants should email Ms Yo SA, the admin
officer, at NMIYOSA@Med2.nusstf.nus.sg or mail your CV to the NUMI
Directorate, NUMI, National University of Singapore, Kent Ridge, Republic of
Singapore 119260.
Thank you.
Dr DR Koh
Flow Cytometry Unit
National University of Singapore
Kent Ridge
Singapore 119260