Re: Sam Latt Conference update
J.Paul Robinson (
Tue, 24 Jun 1997 22:15:35 -0500
David Hedley and Vince Shankey did a fantastic job in running the Sam Latt
Conference in Toronto last weekend. I want to congratulate them and let you
all know that this was one of the best meetings I have ever attended. It
was focused and high quality, cheap and well worthwhile. This first "off
year" meeting defintely set a high standard and I encourage those who did
not attend to make it a high priority in future. The meeting was just
science, science and more science - haven't been to one of those for a
Thanks David and Vince - definitely worth a couple of rounds at the
"busybee" in March!
J.Paul Robinson, Ph.D.
Professor of Immunopharmacology
Director, Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories
Phone: (765) 494 0757 FAX (765) 494 0517