Re: [Fwd: Re: Cellquest question]

Ray Hicks (
Fri, 27 Jun 1997 23:46:08 +0100

Well YOU might need a PowerMac to save the files to DOS discs, BUT to be
more general, one would only need any mac with a high density drive and the
PC Exchange extension to do it.

I hope this is helpful too,


>> Anyone know if Winlist reads Cellquest files? How about WinMDI? Finally,
>> anyu possibility that PC-Lysys reads the format (or is there some universal
>> translator?) . . . thanks.
>> MAK.

>I have had no trouble using winmidi at home on my Pentium to read cell
>quest files generated on a Mac quadra, BUT I have to use a Power PC to
>save the files in Dos format (on floppy or syquest).
>Hope this helps.
>Chris Reed

Ray Hicks
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