Re: fate of cultured progenitors

Tue, 22 Jul 1997 17:47:14 GMT

> Date: Mon, 21 Jul 97 12:34:35 -24000
> To: Cytometry Mailing List <>
> From: Ralph Bohmer <>
> Subject: fate of cultured progenitors

> Could anyone help me find good references dealing the following subject:
> Proliferating hemopoietic progenitors in culture (semi-solid or liquid)
> differentiate to a certain point, then they get stuck and apoptose, I guess,
> even with all relevant cytokines present (?)
> How far do the cells from various lineages get ?
> How do they die ?
> How can death at this point be manipulated ?


You can answer a lot of these qustions by using cell surface
labelling - see JEM 185 (7) 1337 and refs therein for analysis of
erythroid cells. A few describing myeloid differentiation are listed
below - there are many others:

Kerst, J.M., Slapercortenbach, I.C.M., Vondemborne, A.E.G.K.,
Vanderschoot, C.E. and Vanoers, R.H.J. (1992) Combined measurement of
growth and differentiation in suspension-cultures of purified human
cd34- positive cells enables a detailed analysis of myelopoiesis. Exp.
Hematol. 20, 1188-1193.

Terstappen, L.W.M.M., Buescher, S., Nguyen, M. and Reading, C. (1992)
Differentiation and maturation of growth-factor expanded human
hematopoietic progenitors assessed by multidimensional flow-cytometry.
Leukemia 6, 1001-1010.

Scheinecker, C., Strobl, H., Fritsch, G., Csmarits, B., Krieger, O.,
Majdic, O. and Knapp, W. (1995) Granulomonocyte-associated lysosomal
protein expression during in- vitro expansion and differentiation of
cd34(+) hematopoietic progenitor cells. Blood 86, 4115-4123.


From: Dr Richard Darley, Ph.D.
LRF Differentiation Unit
Department of Haematology (A7)
University of Wales College of Medicine
Heath Park
Cardiff, CF4 4XN
tel (+44) 12 22 74 34 85
or (+44) 12 22 74 45 24
Fax (+44) 12 22 74 45 23