Third Party Cytometry Software
10 Mar 93 14:30:10

I'd like to start off by thanking those of you who responded to my
last request for calcium and Coulter Elites.

Now I have a new question.

We use Becton-Dickinson's FACScan unit and LYSYS II software for our
primary cytometry work here. Problem is, there are about 30 users
and 2 computers. So, we are also looking at some way to provide
analysis access to more people simultaneously.

I know that Hewlett-Packard is stopping the manufacture of HP 9000-
340 workstations and that B-D is porting over to the Mac. This makes
the purchase of a new workstation out of the question. I have tried
their LYSYS II for the PC package but I was very disappointed with it.

Our local B-D rep has mentioned the existence of a company that
writes cytometry software for both B-D and Coulter cytometers. All I
remember from that conversation is the word "Phoenix".

Would anyone out there know the name of this company and be able to
provide either a telephone number or e-mail address? Thanks.

- ivan

Ivan Shaw "The Angel of Death"
Neuroimmunology Unit
Montreal Neurological Institute
Montreal, Canada H3A 2B4
Internet e-mail: Ivan@MNI.LAN.McGill.CA
Telephone: (514) 398-8534
FAX (514) 398-7371