HP print buffers

Peter Lopez (PLOPEZ@sorter.dfci.harvard.edu)
Fri, 19 Mar 1993 11:01:31 -0500 (EST)

Hello FlowFolks,

Does anyone know of a source for used Microplot 80B print buffers for
the HP 9000/340 (Lysys II) computers. New ones cost about $1k and I
need a few . As LysysII users know, BD has decided to stop shipping
these units with a buffer, opting for a print spooler instead, which
really slows things down.

Alternatively, does anyone have any experience with spooler/buffers which
can handle multiple HP print jobs and output to PainJet or Postcript
color printers? Any suggestions for solutions would be appreciated!

Peter Lopez


Peter A. Lopez (617)632-3179 (voice)
Dana Farber Cancer Institute (617)632-3139 (voice)
Core Flow Cytometry Facility NO FAX!
44 Binney St. Room J-312
Boston,MA 02115 PLOPEZ@sorter.dfci.harvard.edu
