leaky FACScan supply tanks

Wed, 19 May 93 18:41:03 -0400

MAK (alias Mark KuKuruga) and others:

We've had leaky tank problems, too. The most recent was when the back seam
broke. Not a big hole, mind you, but a nasty slow drip! After checking all
sorts of seals, tubing, filters and such first (and wasting lots of time), I
found the leak in the tank. Response from BD: consumable item, send $7.02
for a replacement, and have a nice day!

As for cap leaks, I've had to modify the supply tank in order to (hopefully)
stop the leaks.

Eric Van Buren vanburen%flovax.dnet@rocdec.roc.wayne.edu
Immunology & Microbiology 313 577 1009 voice
Wayne State University 313 577 1155 fax