FCS File headers
Tue, 15 Jun 93 13:49:21 -0400
Alice Givan asks about Bob Murphy's program which reads key words
from an FCS file. The program is called FCSTAB and allows you to
read a number of keywords including such things as beginning and
ending time of acquisition, filename, instrment settings, etc. and
save them to a file or print them out in table format. The copy I
have is version 3.0 and is running on a MicroVax II operating VMS
5.3. I do not know if there are other versions of this program
which will run on other platforms. I am able to read files from
the Consort30 once they are transferred to the MicroVAX via HPVAXLINK.
I am willing to copy this program to a TK50 for anyone who can use it
providing you send me the TK50 to put it on.
Keith A. Kelley kelley@mrc.com * A wink is as good
Miles Research Center Ph 203-937-2872 * as a nod to a
400 Morgan Lane Fax 203-937-6923 * blind horse.
West Haven CT 06516 *