10 Sep 93 15:22:28

Tom Delohery's comments..
> I had HP bring in an HP382 to replace a HP310 that had been upgraded by BD
> to run LYSYS II (not a full 310 --> 340 upgrade). I tried to run LYSYS II
> on the 382 with no success. [edited...]
> It's strange that HP considers their 9000/3xx workstations obsolete and yet
> BD continues to sell them with their newest instruments. hhhhmmmmmmmm.

Not strange. It's called "the software port isn't done yet". Hint:
it has to do with fruit.

- ivan

Ivan Shaw "The Angel of Death"
Neuroimmunology Unit
Montreal Neurological Institute
Montreal, Canada H3A 2B4
Internet e-mail: Ivan@MNI.LAN.McGill.CA
Telephone: (514) 398-3002
FAX (514) 398-7371