Flow Cytometry Operator at The University of Vermont

Fri, 8 Oct 93 15:16:45 -0400

Subject: Calcium response in 96 well plate

We are interested if anyone has looked at physiological changes
in calcium utilizing a 96-well format. The plate reader we currently
have does some things just fine but the level of detection is not
sensitive enough to detect calcium flourescence (INDO-1 or FLUO-3).
Has anyone tried this on any system with some success? If so, could
you please send me the info on what equipment you used and how you did


Keith A. Kelley kelley@mrc.com * A wink is as good
Miles Research Center Ph 203-937-2872 * as a nod to a
400 Morgan Lane Fax 203-937-6923 * blind horse.
West Haven CT 06516 *