ASCII data manipulation etc

Geoffrey W Osborne (
Fri, 22 Oct 93 12:01:13 EST

Steve Hilliard writes ....
> Sorry if this has been covered before--I couldn't find this in any of the
> list correspondence I've kept, but I have a user who desperately wants to
> manipulate listmode data. We have Winlist, but what he's interested in is
> porting the listmode into a spreadsheet to actually perform calculations on
> the values (and presumably re-plot). He's an engineer--he wants to see the
> numbers. Does this sort of thing exist?
I'm a little unclear on what you mean here, if he just wants the numbers
from the listmode data then as Winlist supports dynamic data exchange the data
can be linked to a spreadsheet such as MS Excel. If he wishes to maintain some
sort of correlated data then I think you will have to look beyond the current
capabilities on Winlist (at least the version I have!).
On the topic of linking ascii data to spreadsheets, those of you
who enjoy tinkering with such things may enjoy a spreadsheet (PC) written
in Microsoft Excel 4.0 which we have just designed to test if the means, both
geometric and arithmetic, and the peak channel reported by flow cytometry
software are what we reckon they should be. Currently it only supports 100
channels, at 256 channel resolution, which must contain NO zero values, i.e. we
have just been testing peaks. It may be of use to others. Feel free to modify
and send me a copy. The spreadsheet in uuencoded form called "mean.uue" will
be sent to the list directly following this posting


PS. If Joe Trotter is reading this, can he fix his overseas email please. Ta.

Geoffrey Osborne | ____ __ o Ahh!
Flow Cytometry (FACS LAB) | __ `\ <,_
John Curtin School of Medical Research, | __ (*)/ (*)
Australian National University, | ==============|
Email: | |--|... Splat!