Winlist query

Geoffrey W Osborne (
Tue, 30 Nov 93 12:06:45 EST

I was wondering if anyone else has tried using a cubic polynomial
function using Winlist 1.04 ? Rather than use the function that is provided
for this purpose, which is only applicable for 1024 channel resolution data
I have been using the following ..
3.74 + (3.09*(p2)) - (0.016 * FSQR(p2)) + (0.0000304 * FCUB(p2))
where the parameter of interest is P2 and the resolution is 256 channel. The
problems arise when I try to save this transformed parameter into a file. The
"new" parameter is saved successfully but the resulting data when called up
in Winlist or other software the seems to have a 1024 channel resolution, yet
the transformed data only goes up to the 256th channel , as would be expected.
Does anyone know if this still occurs in the latest version (2.0) of
Winlist? I can manually edit the text in the start of each file to give the
transformed parameter the correct range but this is not ideal. Info regarding
this problem would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

Geoffrey Osborne | ____ __ o Ahh!
Flow Cytometry (FACS LAB) | __ `\ <,_
John Curtin School of Medical Research, | __ (*)/ (*)
Australian National University, | ==============|
Email: | |--|... Splat!